Sunday, December 30, 2012

Catch Up

I can't believe how much time has gone by since my last blog. So much has changed since August. Our close friends that we did everything with moved back to the states in September. It took some adjusting but we made it through the change. 

For Thanksgiving (my birthday), we had neighbors over for potluck. We had turkey, ham, and traditional sides. The usual, we ate too much and had turkey and ham leftovers forever.

My parents decided to come visit in December. We had a great time. The kids could not get enough of them. We had a busy first week with them seeing all the historical sites and the most picturesque spots. The second week was all about relaxing island style; beach and pool lounging. We were sad to see them leave right before Christmas. 

The kids started surf lessons recently and they are already progressing. Both kids have moved up to level 2 and are looking forward to competing in a surf contest in March.  Sienna and Nathaniel are super stoked and daddy is also having fun with them. 

We leave Monday for Chaing Mai, Thailand so another blog and pics to come soon.

Best Waves of the year!!!!!!!
Don't forget to check out videos of surfing
Click here to view videos

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