Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bali 2012

Wow, I was exhausted. Within a week of being back from Cali, we had our vacation to Bali. We arrived in Bali on July 15 and stayed at the Grand Hyatt in Nusa Dua. The hotel was amazing. Day 2, we had our driver take us to Kuda where Andrew surfed and the kids played on the beach. We drove the west coast of the Bukit Peninsula checking out all the surf spots for Andrew. At the end of the day, we arrived at Uluwatu Temple. We were warned about the monkeys that reside at the temple. We left all jewelry, glasses and anything else these monkeys could take in the car. Just inside the temple grounds, we watched another family feeding a couple of monkey. One of the monkeys got a little too close to Sienna and she motioned to kick the monkey. The monkey promptly stole her sandal and ran away. The temple staff showed us that you can trade the monkey food in return for the sandal back (in this case, we traded a banana). The sandal was a little chewed up. The whole experience traumatized Sienna and she did not want anything to do with monkeys for the rest of the trip. We stayed for the sunset which was really beautiful. 
Day 3, Daddy went surfing, the kids went to Camp Nusa and Momma went to the spa for a treatment. Most of our days for the rest of the trip were spent like this. Mommy got a lot of rest and relaxation over the 9 day trip.

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